Tasmania will invest US$2.96 million to set up a crumbing plant to increase the use of rubber recycled from truck tyres in road resurfacing.
The four-year investment by the Tasmanian government will enable the Australian island state, 240 km south of the Australian mainland, to perform t
The most comprehensive and authoritative history site on the Internet.
While scholars argue about the murky origins of the word “condom” — first documented in print in English as “condum” around 1706 — nobody disputes that it is the oldest and most widely adopted bi
You gotta be there at the end
’Cause the fastest car won’t always win
In his “Awesome” days, folks would sometimes ask Bill Elliott what it’d take to win a particular race. His answer never wavered: “You gotta be there at the end.”
(Trust me, it’s more fun if
SEATTLE — Jenny Keller, of Jenny Cookies, is back with us to share a bit of the creative talent she has and help us get into full Halloween mode!
She also shared her recipes for sugar cookies and buttercream frosting with us!
The sugar cookie that started it all!
This recip
Specialty papermaker expects to use recovered paper as about 30 percent of feedstock at its paper machine number 24.
Pixelle Specialty Solutions LLC, based in Spring Grover, Pennsylvania, has announced plans to restart a paper machine at its Chillicothe, Ohio, facility. The company says
Extruded Rubber Yarn Market Report includes information on the market share, growth prospect and industry scope.This report provides research objectives, detailed overview, import/export status, market segmentation and market size assessment.The report looks at many of the deep and influential dr
Russell Wilson, Russell Westbrook (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images)
Russell Westbrook and Russell Wilson carry the same first name and initials, and now find themselves as centerpieces to horrible trades.
There are a surprising number of ways one could connect Russell Wilson and
Global scrap tire processing firm Genan uses some 40 motors or drives made by Hägglunds.
Denmark-based scrap tire processing firm Genan Holding A/S, which has operations in several countries, says Hägglunds hydraulic direct drives have been a part of its work since 1990, helping Ge
Mayor extends moratorium on recycling investments through end of 2022.
Detroit Mayor Michael E. Duggan has extended a moratorium on the establishment or expansion of “junk yards, scrap tire processing and recycling facilities” in Detroit through the end of 2022. The moratorium first
Featured Articles Imports cloud looms over EU tire makers
ELT pyrolysis company receives official operating licence for the project in Dillingen
Dillingen, Germany – German waste tire pyrolysis company Pyrum Innovations AG