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Market Research Reports, Business Consulting Services & Analytics
Propane market size is forecast to reach US$90.3 billion by 2027, after growing at a CAGR of 4.3% during
When David Mohr founded Chip Tyre in 1998, he was processing 2000 tonnes of heavy vehicle used tyres a year. He’s now churning through more than that every month.
As demand for rubber has increased over the years, Chip Tyre has evolved with the industry to produce a range of rubber cr
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One of General Motors’ latest TechLink articles cautions repairs to check the date of high voltage insulation gloves before every use.
“Certified and up-to-date Class ‘0’ insulation gloves rated at 1000V with leather protectors provide an insulative barrier betwee
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BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany) has concluded a framework agreement for the purchase of pyrolysis oil from mixed plastic waste with ARCUS Greencycling Technolog
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In a paper published in the journal Additive Manufacturing Letters, researchers demonstrated t
Published by Jeanette Clark on 31 August 2022
Delta Paper Mill manufactures a range of tissue paper products at its factory in Tema, Ghana.
Marc Skaf has been a businessman involved in manufacturing for 45 years, mainly in West Africa. After relocating his businesses from Côte
For most people, household garbage and recyclables are just things to take down to the curb, where they are taken away by sanitation services, never to be thought about again. In Japan, though, where landfill space is at a premium, considerable thought goes into how to categorize and discard t
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In choppy economic waters, new data points to three urgent pivots for leaders to help employees and organizations thrive
onths into hybrid work, not everyone agrees on how it’s going. Employees and employers are divided. Employees have embraced flexible work and its benefits and are re